
Too Many Cooks

For ExpressionEngine 6, ExpressionEngine 3+ • Current Version: 1.1.1

Purchase for $12

Too Many Cooks dis­plays a promi­nent alert to authors when they attempt to edit an entry in Expres­sio­nEngine® which is already being edit­ed by anoth­er author, hid­ing the form sub­mis­sion but­tons in the process. The add-on polls at short inter­vals on each open entry screen to assess when the first per­son who opened the entry either com­plet­ed their work and saved the entry, or aban­doned the entry with­out sav­ing. It then informs the sec­ond author when the coast is clear in near real­time, on-screen, instruct­ing them to reload the entry in order to view the most cur­rent content.


  • Screenshot
  • Screenshot


  • Expres­sio­nEngine® 3.0.0 or greater



Upload the includ­ed /​system/​user/​addons/​too_​many_​cooks fold­er to your /​system/​user/​addons/​ direc­to­ry, then install Too Many Cooks from the Add-On Man­ag­er screen.

Set Per­mis­sions

You must vis­it the Mem­bers area of the con­trol pan­el, click on Mem­ber Groups, and then assign every mem­ber group who will be edit­ing entries in the con­trol pan­el per­mis­sion to access to Too Many Cooks in the Add-ons per­mis­sions section.

Chan­nel Forms

Too Many Cooks works in the Expres­sio­nEngine® con­trol pan­el only. It will not take any action when entries are being edit­ed via Chan­nel Forms.

About dor­mant brows­er tabs

Some browsers (like Safari) will sus­pend all javascript inter­val process­es when a page’s tab is not front-most. Too Many Cooks relies on this inter­val polling in order to deter­mine the state of an entry, so if an entry is open in an inac­tive brows­er tab, authors-in-wait­ing may be incor­rect­ly informed that an entry is free to edit.


  • 1.1.1 (September 27th, 2021)
    • Fixed a dis­play issue when the EE debug­ger was enabled
  • 1.1.0 (March 25th, 2021)
    • EE6 sup­port
  • 1.0.0 (November 24th, 2017)
    • Ini­tial release

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